lasting weight loss

For healthy and lasting weight loss


Are you looking to refine your figure in a short time? But also to adopt better general habits in terms of your diet and your daily activities? Well, imagine that we can help you achieve your goals.

If your ultimate goal is to lose weight in a week but also avoid gaining back your doubled pounds some time later, then read the rest of this article and take notes. Losing weight quickly and healthily can be learned , and it is better to be well informed before starting. We promise: we’ll tell you all our tips for rapid weight loss, but above all good for your health and lasting

Did you know that defining your muscles is one of the best ways to lose weight effectively and efficiently? Learn more about this by clicking here .

But in fact, can you really lose weight in just one week?

The good news of the day: losing weight quickly but well is completely doable, provided you know certain essential elements. In fact, our body can lose between two to five kilos in just one week. On the other hand, you should know that it will not necessarily be fat mass that you will lose first but mainly water – yes, water represents 60% on average of body weight in adult men, and 50 at 55% in women (to find out more on this subject, this is where it happens). So-called miracle diets , promising weight loss in a very short period, may seem effective and give impressive results, of course, but keep in mind that this will only be a temporary illusion . The reality is quite different: our body, battered by so much deprivation, will take revenge in less time than it takes to say it and will store everything it can to display a higher weight than before on the scale. You guessed it: it’s called the yoyo effect .

Well, we’re not going to leave you like that without more explanations, promise! To avoid this famous yo-yo effect , you must give yourself enough time to achieve your weight loss goal and change or adapt your diet. The watchword: a healthy diet , designed for the long term. And what’s more, any physical activity , even just walking , represents a good habit to integrate into your daily life. Indeed, this is part of the fundamental basis for rebalancing your weight.

Calorie deficit, kesako?

First of all, to lose weight effectively, you must take into account what is called the calorie deficit . The latter occurs when you consume fewer calories than you expend in energy during the day. In order to obtain a calorie deficit, two possibilities stand out:

Our tips for losing weight effectively and sustainably

Whatever your goals (weight loss and/or development of muscle mass), your calorie balance for the day is extremely important. Below, you will find relatively simple tips to implement in your daily life.

First tip: drink more water

It may seem simple, but drinking water, between 1.5 and 2 liters, throughout the day should be part of your basic habits. Pure, still water, guaranteed to be calorie-free, also helps prevent snacking and hydrates, which is particularly important for health. Drinking more , even without feeling thirsty, can be learned here.

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