eat healthily

Balanced diet: how to eat healthily


Eating a balanced diet ensures you stay healthy and maintain an appropriate weight. And really, it’s not very complicated! Which foods should you favor, which should you avoid, in what quantity to consume them and at what pace depending on your intake and your personal needs… You just need to follow a few rules to have a balanced diet. We tell you everything.

Apart from breast milk, no food provides all the nutrients necessary for the body to function: proteins , lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, fiber . The more we vary and diversify our diet, the more we cover all needs.

What is a healthy diet?

They each cover, while complementing each other, the daily nutritional intake that your body needs to be in shape. Another essential element not to forget on a daily basis  : water !

Another important piece of advice: eat different foods from each family from one day to the next (for example for starchy foods: bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, etc.). Don’t panic if you struggle to get the balance over a meal or a day: what counts is to have it over the week.

How to make a good balanced meal?

The body does not need all foods in diet the same quantities. Some families must be very present (base of the food pyramid), others less (tip). This gives for each day:

Water ad libitum. Drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid, during and between meals, in the form of water and non-calorie drinks . Forget sugary or chemical drinks, you will never find as many benefits as in spring water (or tap water, adapted to our needs);

Starchy foods with every meal. Cereals, cereal-based foods (rice, pasta, semolina, wheat, bread, etc.), dried vegetables (lentils, beans, peas, etc.), potatoes, etc. preferably wholemeal;

5 fruits and vegetables . That is to say at least 400 g, at all meals, in all their forms (cooked, raw, mixed, etc.);

1 to 2 times meat, fish or eggs. In proportion lower than that of the accompaniment (starches and vegetables). For meat, prefer less fatty cuts. For fish, also eat fatty species;

3 dairy products . At each meal, alternate milk, cheese, yogurt in order to obtain a good compromise between fat and calcium  ;

A little fat . Vary the sources (oils, butter, margarine, etc.) and moderate your consumption;

Rarely, sweet products, especially those with a high glycemic index alone. All of them are high in calories, either because they are rich in sugar (sodas, sweets, etc.), or because they combine sugar and fat (pastries, pastries, chocolate, etc.);

Alcohol in moderation . Limit your consumption to 3 glasses per day for a man, 2 for a woman. Alcohol is the only food the body can do without.

How do I know if I’m eating healthily?

French habits die hard: light breakfast, quick lunch and more substantial dinner in the evening. But to constantly provide your body with the energy and nutrients it needs, it is necessary to distribute food intake throughout the day.

Breakfast .​ Essential, it must be sufficient (25 to 30% of the day’s intake) and complete: drink + cereal product + dairy + fruit + 1 little sugar (jam) and/or fat (butter);

Lunch and dinner. Ideally, they should consist of a starter (raw vegetables, soup preferably), a main course composed of 100 to 150 g of meat, fish or eggs, vegetables (200 g) and starchy foods (50 to 100 g cooked ), a dairy product and a fruit. Eg. : grated carrots/steak green beans steamed potatoes/yogurt/compote;

Afternoon tea . Not obligatory, it allows you to better distribute the energy intake of the day. Depending on appetite: fruit, cereals, dairy, etc.

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